For years, there have been rumors regarding the nature of T.I. and Tiny's marriage. Specifically, people have seemingly speculated that other women are generally welcome inside of their bedroom. Last year, Tip was caught putting his hands on another woman's behind, bringing brand new divorce rumors into the mix.
Eventually, Tiny worked things out with her man and they now appear to be as rock solid as ever before. During a recent television appearance, Nicole Scherzinger played a game of word association for male celebrities she's worked with. We previously reported on how she called T.I. "hot" but her later comments have recently sparked more rumors about a possible open marriage between Tip and Tiny.

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After admitting that she finds T.I. to be an attractive man, Nicole listened as one host said that she was once invited over to their house. Once she arrived, she realized that the invitation was meant to be sexual. Nicole winked at her friend, saying that she's "sure" of the validity of her claim before making a threesome joke. "Guess what's for dinner? You, bitch," said Nicole, imitating what she believes went down at the Harris home.
This isn't a confirmation that the couple has an open relationship but the wink and nod suggest that something is definitely up with T.I. and Tiny. Perhaps Nicole was once invited to one of their bedroom gatherings and is holding out on that bit of information.